Banking Specialists

Business to Consumer: Campaign

Announcement-Campaign for Volksbank Lippstadt

Volksbank Lippstadt will get a new central building. We develop ideas for the announcement and add a campaign regarding several advantages of Volksbank among competition.

Favorable is abride scope on regional target groups; so we took the regional newspaper as ideal medium to get the best impact in a short period of time.

There will be two more reasons to be a Volksbank client: Space and Light
emotionale Werbung der Markenagentur für die Volksbank
Laura is sleeping well. Mom and Dad own a part of Volksbank.
Baufinanzierung Kampagne der Markenagentur
The Lanz told us about their house of dreams. They got in six weeks ago.
Kampagne Online-Banking Volksbank Werbeagentur
For sure you can do banking online with Volksbank. But you can go around the corner, too.
emotionale Ansprache BtoC Kampagne Banking
Safety starts at childhood. But do not stop at financing.

This campaign is driven be emotion for a simple reason. Financial benefits are mostly generic – if one builds a rational usp the costs are enormous.

The client approach can only be emotional to strengthen the brand loyalty.

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