Public Affairs
The traditional division between marketing and PR only exists in a few companies. What counts is the assertiveness and persuasiveness of the entire external image. As a holistic brand agency, Lünstroth has a clear advantage here.
Luenstroth Brand Agency uses to work brand and client oriented. That means we love to have the strategic goals as starting point and develop the best creative ideas to reach them with the lowest amount of spendings.
The traditional division between marketing and PR only exists in a few companies. What counts is the assertiveness and persuasiveness of the entire external image. As a holistic brand agency, Lünstroth has a clear advantage here.
Planning the most effective channels: The brand agency follows the customers journey - online and offline. Then: a content and cost driven decision
Lünstroth uses to work in a strategic manner: A well thought concept immunizises against activities of competitors.
What sort of creativity does the brand agency offer. A strategic one, that's for sure.
The Brand Agency is socially engaged and interested in the win win situation rising by internships of refugees.
Over all: The holistic performance must fit the goals of our clients. Each creative work depends on the concept.