FMCG in food retail market

Package Design and Trademark Development

Since its inception, the agency has had a strong relationship with the food retailing industry – founders and creative directors have been working for brand name companies such as Dr. Ing. Oetker, Appolinaris, Schweppes and Procter & Gamble.

Therefore, we are in the topic when it comes to introducing or expanding a new product or range.

In addition to the trade know-how, however, we never forget the crucial point: the consumer must access. Otherwise everything is in vain.

And that’s where package design and product placement play the decisive role.

Delicatessen: Kühlmann

For manufacturer Kühlmann, the brand agency develops brands, package designs and also commercial communication.

A good design is always a design that attracts attention in the overall shelf image. The near-impact is therefore only the last impulse before the purchase decision.

That’s why we always show the entire chain of effects, from the long-distance effect to the classification in the aesthetics of the product range and the proximity. In order to increase the acceptance by the retail trade, Lünstroth Package Designs have been optimized from the perspective of area profitability and area productivity.

  • Feinkost-Packungen

Confectionary: Piasten

Package Design Süsswaren LEH

For Piasten, the agency develops brands for international use and package designs nationally and internationally.

The assortments are distributed under the brand Piasten, but also under own brands and secondary brands in different markets. In some channels, the products are Metoos, which requires precise knowledge of trademark and competition law in order to avoid legal collisions.

In the area of package design, we do not believe in quantitative restraint. Many different approaches should go into the tests to ensure maximum impulse buying.

In an early selection phase, brand management is not yet defined. We approach these tasks very broadly.

Package Design Private Label

We also do our best for private labels; for markets on all continents. As a rule, they are designed as self-sellers; i.e. the pack has to be “sold off the shelf”, without external advertising pressure.

It is all the more important that the package tells “the whole story”.


Both in the area of brand development and in the creative design of package designs, knowledge of trademark law in the respective national market is important.

The brand agency examines the legal situation before final decisions on the customer side. Of course, we also take into account the different legal situation in Eurasion and Anglo-Saxon countries (registration versus use).

Because if the legal department or the supervising law firms only take action when the decisions are made, this can lead not only to time delays, but also to avoidable additional costs.

Some other cases

Die Markenagentur optimiert auch Handelsmarken.

Private Label: optimized

Private labels should not look like private labels. Instead Lünstroth takes private labes...