The Brand Agency is socially engaged and interested in the...
Why we work in a concept driven manner.
It may sound amazing, but many recent promotions are being developed without integration into an overarching concept. They serve selective targets and are produced because the previous action was produced, too.
Such a concept-free approach has its advantages: there are no concept costs and there are no new procedures that agency or employees have to adjust to. But there are its drawbacks: If the objectives of a measure are not defined, successes can not be grasped.
We like to be measured by success and therefore prefer to work on a conceptual basis.
The integration into marketing goals is as much a part of this as the communication strategy: what should the measures trigger at the receiver and how can the communication goals be achieved as effectively as possible?
This approach requires more focus on the part of everyone involved at the beginning of the path. However, it ensures that all communication activities and tools are used as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Strategic planning
Without proper understanding of the target audience, finding the right address is difficult.
Therefore, Lünstroth meticulously investigates the questions about insights, personalities and thus the overall concept. How does the target group think and when could it prefer a competitor and thus the competing offer? What does the target group really want?
In answering these questions, classical market research reaches its limits. Only rarely do phone interviews or group discussions give the right picture of the mood.
However, a largely uninfluenced survey has become possible through the click and search behavior of the target group.
Analyzing these results often results in inclinations and correlations that were unpredictable but too important to ignore.
Digital channels offer a continuation to the analog world. The relevance of messages and channels must be right, as well as quantitative and qualitative communication.
Strategic planning for Lünstroth means not only to count contacts, but to use budgets more effectively.
As long as the scattering losses can not be minimized by the pure correlation of behavior, it makes sense to make a strategic statement on the behavior of the target group. This not only reduces wastage but also significantly increases the relevance of the response.
Positioning: inside and outside
The positioning of a company, its products or services should be prior to the development of communication strategies. Because without positioning in competition, there is no yardstick at which communication ideas can be measured.
The positioning is expressed in two perspectives: the external view of Brand Image and the internal perspective of Brand Identity.
Ideally, the internal viewers (employees) “see” the same positioning as the external viewers (customers).
If Brand Identity and Brand Image go apart too far, the positioning is unstable in medium and long term and thus unreliable.
Employer Branding and Brand Identity
Brand Identity is more important than ever in times of employee shortages and the associated employer branding.
In order to gain a competitive advantage, it is no longer sufficient in saturated markets to have a contemporary aesthetic in the area of corporate design. Therefore, the lived values that characterize the brand identity are decisive.
This functional deepening can not be achieved by designers alone, and strategists are also required here. If brand identity is to become an active motivational instrument for (global) growth, all the more so.
Lünstroth therefore not only pays attention to optimizing and adapting design elements, but also to positioning the company in competition. This, together with the decision-makers, will develop the most selective USP possible.
The USP is not only valid for products and services, but also for the company as an umbrella brand, for competitors, for Young Potentials and the position as employer and market participant.
Ideal is the emergence of a corporate myth that can be built by a memorable and catchy story of the company.
This story and the resulting brand values are helpful when it comes to anchoring the brand in the awareness of the target group and taking the decisive step as an employer brand.
We develop this story by referring to the company history and the lived values of the company.
The way Luenstroth works.
Design: Brand, Corporate, Package, Web
Design is the result of a strategic process regarding the...
VideoClips for Web and Social Media
Video content is essential for engaging audiences, delivering information effectively,...
Copy writing at Lünstroth
Copywriting is an essential asset at Lünstroth. It's needed for...
Public Affairs
The traditional division between marketing and PR only exists in...
Lünstroth uses to work in a strategic manner: A well...
Planning the media channels
Planning the most effective channels: The brand agency follows the...
Sales Support | Sales Promotion
Lünstroth informs retail partners about new product lines and their...
What sort of creativity does the brand agency offer. A...
Workshops | Seminars
Workshops | Seminars Workshops are an integral part of the...
Fields of competence
Over all: The holistic performance must fit the goals of...
Brand Building Premier League
What's the Premier League in UK is the Bundesliga in Germany. The branding...
Webdesign for IT-Consultants
How to build a website for it-specialists knowing the deepest secrets of software...
Brand Building Fashion: Eva Mann
Eva Mann becomes an iconic fashion label: Lünstroth Branding Agency positions the brand,...
Integration of a bank brand
M&A: Lünstroth Branding Agency integrates sucessfully a bank mark in a bigger bank...
Employer Branding: HR-Spot
Yes, Lünstroth does not only conceptional work but also executes productions like videos...
Business to Consumer: Banking
Business to Consumer: For Volksbank Lünstroth develops an advertising campaign for regional target...
Advertising: Adaption work
Lünstroth also does adption work. Here is an example for adapting an international...
Websites for law firms and surgeries
The branding agency also develops websites for smaller business i.e. law firms and...
Corporate Identity: Change
If a company suddenly is leaving a bigger enterprise, it should find its...
Private Label: optimized
Private labels should not look like private labels. Instead Lünstroth takes private labes...
Package Design: FMCG
Fast mobing consumer goods: In FMCG Sectors the branding agency has a long...
Brand Relaunch for Construction Brand
Relaunch of a Corporate Brand: The branding agency finds a new positioning, logo...